Entries by Stephanie

House of Fun..?

Richard Boylan, PTS Coach, explores the impact of the use of labels and deficit language on people accessing help through a tough time.

The learning

Transforming organisations through modelling person-led approaches continues to be necessary to bring about whole change as part of the wider systemic shift but it isn’t easy! Being part of the movement certainly helps to hold nerve so we can learn, adapt and grow and live more comfortably within the permanent space of discomfort that brings about […]

8 of 9 Principles vs framework

Joining a movement is important to get others to listen. It gives individuals the strength to have a voice and do something.

6 of 9 Data. The evidence

We just want to be doing a good job and be able to say what we do and why we do it with conviction.

3 of 9 The asset-based bandwagon

The approach gets diluted as everyone says they are doing strength-based work without understanding the level of change that’s really involved.