Mayday Trust is incredibly proud to be a New System Alliance partner, alongside Homeless Network Scotland and Platfform.

The New System Alliance is a platform for those who feel there is something wrong with the current systems encountered by people experiencing tough times in the UK. It acts as a home for those who have felt frustrated, unheard or invisible, whether working in services, commissioning or with direct experience.

It offers an opportunity to listen and be heard and to ‘do something’ to bring about total systems change, where people can take control and together, respond in a new way to finally make systems work for people.

The New System Alliance has placed strengths-based and person-led working at the heart of its mission to change the traumatising systems people experience when going through tough times.  By growing strengths-based work across the UK, the New System Alliance hopes to expose and remove the barriers that people face through tough times and inform a totally new system, led by people rather than process.

The New System Alliance has been made possible thanks to investment from the National Lottery Community Fund.

We encourage you to join us! Find out how you can get involved by visiting

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