6 of 9 Data. The evidence
“We just want to be doing a good job and be able to say what we do and why we do itwith conviction.”
The PTS data set has developed to capture the internal and external assets of each individual through an asset development survey. The intention is to only capture hard outcomes that naturally occur and don’t require deficit conversations or measurement.
Over the three years, the PTS Partnership as a collective has worked with 1700 individuals; 91.5% of those with a housing requirement have sustained accommodation, and 33.3% have engaged in employment, education, training or volunteering. Through the WEMWBS survey, 61% have increased their wellbeing. Through the Asset Survey, individuals’ total assets increased by 4.5%.
Through analysing the data, it was found that people have higher internal asset scores (psychological) than external assets (sociological) indicating that it is often external situations and systems and not an individual’s confidence/self-belief that has the biggest impact on people’s situations. Focusing on building positive relationships and a purpose is key.
The vast range of asset scores that people have shown illustrates that there is also no correlation between ‘complex needs’ and individuals. Traditional assessments and data profiles don’t capture or illustrate what people can do for themselves.
People chose to attend an average of 20 coaching sessions, but on an individual basis this varies greatly depending on what the person feels they need. This proves that time restrictions or dedicated support hours specified within contracts are not realistic. Offering unlimited time to access a PTS Coach isn’t as unaffordable as first thought. The average take-up of 20 hours of coaching reflects previous Supporting People funding.
Where services aren’t the default response and time for support is not specified, people go on to thrive and achieve stability, sustainable networks and real-world solutions for themselves.