Entries by Mayday Trust

Wisdom from Strength-Based Working 2 of 9: Barriers from Within

“I think something our team never anticipated was that some of the biggest pushback and struggles were going to be internal, within our organisation, who brought us in to do this work.” Practitioners found it frustrating that their organisations had the best intentions about working in a strength-based way, but in reality, that there was […]

Wisdom from Strength-Based Working 1 of 9: Identity

 “I had to spend a long time listening to someone talk about what was wrong with them and didn’t know how I was going to turn it around. I listened and then each time reflected with them the skills they must have to get through that.” Practitioners shared that the people they work with are […]

An Introduction to Wisdom from Strength-Based Working

Mayday Trust worked with the Frontline Network to capture the experiences of those who take a strength-based approach to working alongside people experiencing tough times, such as homelessness.  This Wisdoms is part of a suite of Wisdoms where the voices of people who either experience or deliver services are captured and shared. Frontline workers were […]

“There’s a System to Run a System” Reflective Poem

This #WorldPoetryDay we are delighted to share an insightful poem written by one of our PTS Qualification students in response to our Module 1 Challenge to express “What ‘System Change’ means to me”. Thank you to Sharron for sharing these moving thoughts with us.

“Let’s Offer People What We Would Want” says Mayday Trust CEO

In his latest blog, CEO of Mayday Trust Alex Fox explores the PTS (Person-led, Transitional and Strength-based) Response and suggests that it “shouldn’t be revolutionary to suggest that support for people who are going through the toughest times, like being homeless” should mirror other elective and more positive coaching experiences